Friday 13 June 2008

Special Report [13th of June] "No" From the Irish Coast

EU referendum: the Irish noes have it. Daniel Hannan, The Telegraph (en)
EU referendum: Ireland votes against Lisbon Treaty. Tom Peterkin, The Telegraph (en)
Ireland set to throw out EU treaty. AP, The Independent (en)
Irish voters reject EU treaty. Henry McDonald and James Sturcke, The Guardian (en)
Irish EU referendum: what it means for Gordon Brown. Andrew Sparrow, The Guardian (en)
Why Ireland said no. Richard Delevan, The Guardian (en)
Ireland: Celtic Tiger bares its teeth over EU treaty. Allegra Stratton, The Guardian (en)
Irish Voters Appear to Reject Treaty on Europe. Eamon Quinn and Alan Cowell, The NYT (en)
Irish People Reject the Lisbon Treaty. Le Monde (fr)
«Irish spoke on Behalf of the French». Le Figaro (fr)

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