The propaganda game. Richard, EUReferendum (en)
The blogs run frit! Richard, EUReferendum (en)
US response to Russia’s invasion of Georgia. Noesmonkey, EUtopia (en)
Putin Denies Imperial Ambitions as Russia Warns Ukraine. DW Staff, Deutsche Welle (en)
Europe in The Balance? Afew, European Tribune (en,fr)
" ... plus la crise traîne, plus le retour au “business as usual” qui a précédé la crise, notamment avec l’UE, est impossible, et c’est probablement ce que veut la direction russe ...
.... the longer the crisis drags on, the more a return to the "business as usual" that preceded the crisis, especially with the EU, becomes impossible, and it's probably what the Russian leadership wants." ... "
Three months seems a long time ago. Certain Ideas of Europe (en)
"... Interestingly, for instance, this year's survey found that 57% of Europeans said that NATO is essential to their country's security, which is a four-point increase over 2007. Support for NATO rose in eight of the 12 countries surveyed. Germany and Poland, which have shown declining support since 2002, reversed that trend, while France saw its support for NATO rebound to the level of 2002. ..."
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