Day of jackals as Paris marks the overthrow of a monarch. Robert Frisk, The Independent (en)
Clouds darken Europe’s growth prospects. Ralph Atkins, The FT (en)
Europe learns to live with high prices. The FT (en)
Copyright ruling chimes with broadcasters. Nikki Tait, The FT (en)
Poland wins extra time for shipyards. Nikki Tait, The FT (en)
European smokers face higher tobacco prices. Nikki Tait, The FT (en)
Cliff pins hopes on EU law. David Charter, The Times (en)
Trade: Banana drama imperils Doha deal. David Gow, The Guardian (en)
New political crisis threatens Belgian break-up. David Gow, The Guardian (en)
Is this the end of Belgium? Sarah Morris, The Guardian (en) **