Serbia making a breakthrough towards the EU. Jean-Jacques Mével, Le Figaro (fr)
Obama discovering an already conquered Europe. Arielle Thedrel, Le Figaro (fr)
LThe EU must reward Belgrade. Pierre Rousselin, Le Figaro (fr)
Embarassed, Brussels punishs the Bulgarian corruption. Jean Quatremer, Liberation (fr)
Turkey will not escape a French referendum. Jean Quatremer, Les Coulisses de Bruxelles (fr)
Netherlands : justice ill at ease towards the immigration policy. Jean-Pierre Stroobants, Le Monde (fr)
Brussels freezes subsidies to stag Bulgarian criminality. Philippe Ricard, Le Monde (fr) The British Banks crunch leading to the renunciation of the 'Golden Rule'. Marc Roche, Le Monde (fr)
Obama discovering an already conquered Europe. Arielle Thedrel, Le Figaro (fr)
LThe EU must reward Belgrade. Pierre Rousselin, Le Figaro (fr)
Embarassed, Brussels punishs the Bulgarian corruption. Jean Quatremer, Liberation (fr)
Turkey will not escape a French referendum. Jean Quatremer, Les Coulisses de Bruxelles (fr)
Netherlands : justice ill at ease towards the immigration policy. Jean-Pierre Stroobants, Le Monde (fr)
Brussels freezes subsidies to stag Bulgarian criminality. Philippe Ricard, Le Monde (fr) The British Banks crunch leading to the renunciation of the 'Golden Rule'. Marc Roche, Le Monde (fr)