Thursday, 12 June 2008

Today's Links: 12th of June

European Treaty: Irish plan to get around 'no' vote. Bruno Waterfield, The Telegraph (en)
German brewers hope for Euro 2008 win to boost sales. Harry de Quetteville, The Telegraph (en)
Miliband defends Lisbon Treaty. Anne Penketh, The Independent (en)
Neutrality, abortion and Dustin the turkey threaten to cause Irish referendum upset. Henry McDonald and Ian Traynor, The Guardian (en)
Today Ireland has a chance to change Europe's direction. Seumas Milne, The Guardian (en)
Q&A: Ireland's referendum on the EU reform treaty. Henry McDonald, The Guardian (en)
Truckers' fuel strike bites in Europe. Graham Keeley, the Guardian (en)
EU aims for low-carbon economy. David Gow, The Guardian (en)
Brussels raps Britain for excessive budget deficit. David Gow, The Guardian (en)
We must beef up the UN and the EU. George Robertson and Paddy Ashdown , The Times (en)
Irish 'yes' camp confident - if people come out for treaty vote. David Sharrock, The Times (en)
Irish to Vote on Complex European Union Treaty. Sarah Lyall, The NYT (en)
Top Secret Files Left on British Train. The NYT (en)
Terror Bill Passes Narrowly in Britain. John F Burns, The NYT (en)
Chemical Law Has Global Impact. Lyndsey Layton, The Washington Post (en)
ECB damps speculation on rate rise series. Ralph Atkins , The FT (en)
West warns of tighter Iran bank curbs. James Blitz, The FT (en)
Italy and France form ‘trade axis’. Guy Dinmore, The FT (en)
Brussels confirms cartel charges against GdF, Eon. the FT (en)
Fuel and food drive up east Europe inflation. Jan Cienski, Thomas Escrittand Robert Anderson, The FT (en)
Work must pay. Editorial Comment, The FT (en)
UK: Visa curbs ultimatum targets 11 countries. Jimmy Burns and Alex Barker, The FT (en)
Cartel fine doubled for repeat offender. Nikki Tait, The FT (en)
US and Germany warn Iran amid divisions. Bertrand Benoit, The FT (en)
GDF and E.ON received a grievance letter from the European Commission. Le monde (fr)
EnIn Slovenia, The Last Bush's EU US Summit Took Place in a Peaceful Atmosphere. Thomas Ferenczi, Le Monde (fr)
Bruxelles seeking to reinforce competition in the Energy Sector. Philippe Ricard, Le Monde (fr)
South America following EU ground tracks. Paulo A. Paranagua, Le Monde (fr)
"Europe: carpettes s'abstenir !" Sylvie Goulard (Mouvement Europeen), Le Monde (fr)
To Defeat the Eurosepticsm. Thomas Ferenczi, Le Monde (fr)

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