Monday, 16 June 2008

Special Report [16th of June] 'No'

EU leaders mount diplomatic offensive to keep Lisbon Treaty alive. Bruno Waterfiel, The Telegraph (en)
EU treaty: What next. Daniel Hanna, The Telegraph (en)
EU foreign ministers try to save rejected Lisbon Treaty after Ireland referendum. Bruno Waterfield and Rosa Prince, The Telegraph (en)
EU Treaty likely to be imposed by stealth despite Irish no vote. Bruno Waterfield and Rosa Prince, The Telegraph (en)
Irish anger at EU plans to press on with Lisbon Treaty despite No vote. Tom Peterkin, The Telegraph (en)
EU leaders move to keep treaty alive amid fears of permanent rift. John Lichfield in Paris and Colin Brown, The Independent (en)
Irish voters have stated the truth for all of us. Andreas Whittam Smith, The Independent (en)
Long love affair with Brussels comes to an end. David McKittrick , The Independent (en)
How my mother revealed the depth of EU's trouble. Katherine Butler, The Independent (en)
After this vote, Europe has little choice but to put its house in order. Leading article, The Independent (en)
What now for Europe? The EU's Irish problem. David McKittrick and Jane Merrick, The Independent (en)
The constitution is dead. Would it be so impolite to admit it? John rentoul, The Independent (en)
EU should take new route, says Miliband. Andrew Sparrow, The Guardian (en)
'I have witnessed how inherently undemocratic socialism was, and that is why I don't want an overweening EU'. Henry McDonald, The Guardian (en)
Q&A: Ireland's referendum on the EU reform treaty. Henry McDonald, the Guardian (en)
We forget at our peril. Peter Preston, The Guardian (en) ***
Taoiseach faces EU backlash over Lisbon. Henry McDonald and Ian Traynor, The Guardian (en)
True believers could quit EU. David Charter, The Times (en)
Irish leader under pressure to save treaty . David Charter and David Sharrock , The Times (en)
Real people 1, Eurocrats 0. Nicola Smith, Stephen O'Brien, Matthew Campbell and Jonathan Oliver, The Times (en)
Ireland Derails a Bid to Recast Europe’s Rules. By Sarah Lyall and Stephen Castle, The NYT (en)
Ireland Shoots Down Plan for a More Unified E.U. Kevin Sullivan, The Washington Post (en)
En Irlande, la peur de l'indépendance perdue. Marion Van Renterghem, Le Monde (fr)
An Opportunity for Europe? Editorial, Le Monde (fr)
Seven ideas to save Europe. Jean Quatremer, Liberation (fr)
«Revenir aux fondamentaux européens». Marc Semo, Liberation (fr)
Priorités. Fabrice Rousselot, Editorial, Liberation (fr)

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