Anglospheres : Le Monde vue de Londres. Eric MAURICE. L’ esprit tourné vers le monde depuis des études d’histoire des relations internationales, anglophile invétéré mais pas béat, mon aventure Courrier international commence en 2000 par les pages France, puis la rubrique Amérique du Nord. Je suis aujourd’hui responsable du service Europe de l’Ouest, plus particulièrement chargé de suivre l’actualité britannique.
Le Blog Politique de Lus Mandret (Ma Vie en Narcisse) Ce blog, lancé en septembre 2005, comptabilise plus de 1100 articles et 8000 commentaires. Sur ce blog, on parle de politique (française ou internationale), de communication politique, de photographie, de voyages, de littérature, et de tout plein d'autres sujets. Du sérieux, de l'humour (noir), du cynisme, de la provocation et un brin de mauvaise foi. De la sincérité aussi.
Counterterrorismblog. The first multi-expert blog dedicated solely to counterterrorism issues, serving as a gateway to the community for policymakers and serious researchers. Designed to provide realtime information about terrorism cases and policy developments.
English Russia . Is a daily entertaiment blog devoted to the events happening in Russian speaking countries, such as Russia (Russian Federation), Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Kazakhstan, etc. Everyday something interesting happens in the countries occupying 1/6 of the populated world. We are here to inform you about it.
Robert Amsterdam. My name is Robert Amsterdam, and I am a lawyer and an advocate for rule of law. This blog was created to express views which may stimulate debate and discussion on topics of international interest. I believe that we live in a world of unchallenged impunity, and this blog is merely a small attempt to shine a light on issues I view as important in countries with which I am engaged. I make no apologies or pretense of objectivity - these are my opinions and I stand behind them.
The Big Picture.Barry L. Ritholtz. A frequent commentator on CNBC, Barry L. Ritholtz is a weekly guest on Kudlow & Company. He has guest-hosted Squawk Box on numerous occasions, and also appears regularly on Bloomberg, Fox, and PBS¹. Mr. Ritholtz was profiled in the Wall Street Journal’s Quite Contrary column (August 3, 2004; Page C3). His market perspectives are quoted regularly in the Wall Street Journal, Barron's, Forbes, Fortunes, and other print media².
Grahnlaw Ralf Grahn Lawyer in Helsinki, Finland. Serving companies and individual clients. Speaker and lecturer on EU law and politics
TSB (Tout sauf Barroso). Jean Quatremer, Les Coulisses de Bruxelles (en) " ... Des bloggueurs viennent de lancer une campagne sur le net explicitement intitulée: "Tout sauf Barroso". Il y a une pétition ouverte à la signature réclamant la non reconduction de l'actuel président de la Commission et un groupe Facebook. ..."
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