Vatican v Israel in row over the Holocaust. Certain Ideas of Europe (en)
"Lifestyle journalism" . Richard, EUReferendum (en)
Something of an enigma. Richard, EUReferendum (en)
The atheist bus campaign is BACK. Jon Worth, Euroblog (en)
Baroness Ashton boredom strategy. Jon Worth, Euroblog (en)
Ashton gets backing from Schulz, so all’s OK (not). Jon Worth, Euroblog (en)
The constitutional position of European Commissioners. Nosemonkey, EUtopia (en)
Despite The “Sudden Stop” Kazakhstan Won’t Be Calling On The IMF For Help. Edward Hugh, A Fistful of Euros (en)
" ... Well that is good news, so at least we know that one of the CIS and CEE economies won’t be looking to the IMF for bail-out support in this crisis which is presently growing by the day. So Kazakstan, that country which is reputedly host to reserves of approximately 95% of the elements in the periodic table, with a population of around 15 million housed on a surface area greater than the whole of Western Europe, is going to be able to look after itself. But hang on a minute, just where is Kazakhstan, and just what have they been getting up to over there, and why the hell should I take Karim Masimov’s word for it, when just about all the other Iceland Look-alike show contestants seem to be saying the same? ..."
Europe’s hour is coming? Stanley Crossick, BlogActiv.eu (en)
" ... There are serious differences between the Americans and Europeans as to how far reforms should go and also the nature of such reforms. The EU seeks a fundamental reform of the present system (a ‘Bretton Woods II’) and a worldwide supervision of the markets. The different approaches of the French (“capitalism of the future”) and Bush (“fundamentals of democratic capitalism”) will inevitably clash. Bush recognized the need for “regulatory institutional changes” but added, “It is essential that we preserve the foundations of democratic capitalism – commitment to free markets, free enterprise, and free trade.” ....
Un comité des « sages » pour l’avenir de l’Europe. Jean Quatremer, Les Coulisses de Bruxelles (fr)
" ... Le Sommet européen de mercredi et vendredi dernier a approuvé la composition du “groupe de réflexion” présidé par Felipe Gonzàlez, l’ancien premier ministre socialise espagnol (photo), qui sera chargé de réfléchir au futur de l’Union « à l’horizon 2020-2030 ». Il s’agit de la Française Nicole Notat, ancienne patronne de la CFDT, le Polonais Lech Walesa, qu’on ne présente plus, l’Italien Mario Monti, ancien commissaire européen à la concurrence, la Danoise Lykke Friis, universitaire, le Néerlandais Rem Koolhaas, architecte, l’Allemand Wolfgang Schuster, maire CDU de Stuttgart, le Britannique Richard Lambert , journaliste, l’Autrichien Rainer Münz, économiste, et la Grecque Kalypso Nicolaïdis, spécialiste de l’Europe à Oxford. À ce groupe de neuf personnes, s’ajoutent les deux vice-présidents, Vaira Vike-Freiberga, l’ex-présidente lettone, et Jorma Ollila, président du finlandais Nokia, qui avaient été désignés en même temps que Gonzàlez ..."
Back to snarl mode … Richard, EUReferendum (en)
" ... Thank you all for your responses on the forum to our five million down post, celebrating – if that is the right word – another milestone in the short history of this blog. ..."
Dave won't fix it. Richard, EUReferendum (en)
" ... just get rid of Gordon and replace him with "Dave" and all your troubles are over. "Dave will fix it", just like Jim used to on the television.The trouble is that Dave won't fix it. He can't fix it. If he takes over the hot seat, he will no more be in control than Gordon ever was. The idea that any one man, Blofeld-like with a cat on his lap, is actually in control is strictly for the fairy tales and the James Bond films ..."
Britain's debt - £76,475 per household? Ironies Too (en) 21st October
" ... Yesterday I queried what exactly was the true British debt figure. The above number is provided by a Tory MP Brooks Newmark who sits on the Treasury Select Committee as may be read on the Conservative Home blog, link here.The total is given as an astronomical £1,866 billion."
Sarko puts in for overtime. Open Europe Blog (en)
" ... According to Belgian daily De Standaard, EU Commission President Jose Barroso is "lying awake at night" worrying about the fact that soon Nicolas Sarkozy will no longer be EU Council President ...
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