Thursday, 29 May 2008

Today's Links: 29th of May

Nicolas Sarkozy Carries on his Charm Offensive in Eastern Europe. Henri de Bresson and Arnaud Lepar, Lemonde (fr)
France Opens its Labour Market to Eastern Europeans. Laetitia Van Eeckhout, Lemonde (fr)
German Utility RWE Say Sell off Pipelines to Beat EU Fines. David Gow, The Guardian (en)
If only the Irish would kill the Lisbon Treaty. Adrian Hamilton, The Independent (en)
Sarkozy calls for immigrant crackdown. Sarah Laitner, Ben Hall and Jan Cienski, Financial Times (en)
Eurozone inflation rebounds to record levels. Ralph Atkins, Financial Times (en)
Germany's tax debate: Whether and when to cut. The Economist (en)
Charlemagne: Let Them Eat the Cake. The Economist (en)
Corruption in eastern Europe: Talking of virtue, counting the spoons. The Economist (en)
National pride at stake in Brussels. Sarah Laitner, FT Brussels Blog (en)
Long Live to Expensive Oil. Jean Quatremer, Les Coulisses de Bruxelles (fr)

Wednesday, 28 May 2008

Today's Links: 28th of May

José Manuel Barroso bullies the Irish. Telegraph View, The Daily Telegraph (eng)
Britain should be leading the search for life on Mars. Colin Pillinger, The Guardian (eng)
Germany and Poland Find That Trying to Get Along Has Its Benefits. Nicholas Culish, The New York times (eng)
Sarkozy says EU should cap sales tax on fuel. John Thornhill in Paris and Nikki Tait in Brussels, Financial Times (eng)
It’s tougher at the top in Europe than in the US. Paul Betts, Financial Times (eng)
EU: Poland, Sweden Breathe New Life Into Eastern Neighborhood. Ahto Lobjakas, RadioFreeEurope (eng)

Today's Links: 28th of May

Polish Plumber is eventually welcome in France. Jean Quatremer, Les Coulisses de Bruxelles (fr)
The 27 wish to strenghten their ties with eartern neighbours. Thomas Ferenzci, Lemonde (fr)

Sunday, 25 May 2008

About Me

The aim is to publish the main commentary, news, polling data, and links to important resources from all points of the political compass about the European Union and the 2009 European Elections.

Avenue Numbers :

N27 Number of EU Member from the 1st January 2007

N51 The European Coal and Steel Community.

N57 Treaty of Rome : The European Economic Community (EEC) and the European Atomic Energy Community (Euratum).

N73 Denmark, Ireland and the United Kingdom.

N81 Greece.

N85 The Schengen Agreement.

N86 European flag, Spain, Portugal and The Single European Act.

N92 The Maastricht Treaty.

N93 The European Union.

N95 Austria, Sweden and Finland.

N02 Euro.

N04 Big bang : 2004, Malta, Cyprus, Slovenia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Hungary joined the Union.

N07 Romania and Bulgaria.

References : When I notice them

Used as a source :
Julien Frisch, 29th july 2008
The 8th Circle, 3th september 2008

Directory :
"EU news linklog, mostly rounding up EU content from the UK broadsheet press."
Nosemonkey EUtopia

Feed + Links :

Links list :
The 8th Circle
Links Exchange :

Used as a Resource :

The unholy trinity, EUreferendum, 2nd September
A confrontation shapes up, EUreferendum, 4th September

Ukraine: aah the joys of democracy. The 8th Circle, 5th September
The Thaw II. Julien Frisch, Watching Europe 8th September
Powerful women (III): Benita Ferrero-Waldner. Julien Frisch, Watching Europe 5th September

Q&A: How will the UK bailout work? CNN International world business 8th October
"European Avenue5 hours ago
Newspapers : EU in Financial Turmoil Update 8th October
Bank shares slump again despite £500bn bail-out . Jon Swaine, The Telegraph (en) " ... The plan will see the Government spend up to £50 billion - the equivalent of £2,000 for every taxpayer - on buying priority shares in the banks in order to boost their capital. Half is available immediately, while a further £25 billion can be used if necess... "

BlogPulse. com, 1st October

Regulating anonymous blogs?., the Irish for rights, 24th September.
" ... I couldn’t disagree more with Marianne Mikko’s proposals relating to or with Berlins’ weary acceptance of their inevitably. Unsurprisingly, they have attacted much derision online, especially from politically critical of the EU (see also here from today’s Telegraph online), though there are some rather more balanced assessments as well. For example, European Avenue suggests that Mikko should exercise judgment when reading information; I agree, we should all take responsibility for judging what we read, rather than expecting Mikko’s Big Sister to grade it for quality in advance ..."

Saturday, 24 May 2008


If you have any feedback or suggestion about this site:
If you want to add another article or to recommend one:

If you want to contact me directly, you can email me at this address:

Mr Gwenael Mourey